Thursday, August 19, 2010

Won't you be my neighbor?

In a few short months, my trusty (not to be confused with rusty) colleague John will be leaving me to fend for myself here at OASHF.  This makes me sad, because I play 20 questions with him everyday. And by that, I mean I bother him at least 20 times with random questions about best practices and advice.  So when he's gone, the desk next to me will be vacated, open and ready for a shiny new VISTA.

If you or someone you know is looking for a job in Columbus, Ohio, please email me at  You can start in November, working in a 15 county region in Central Ohio.

What was that you asked? Why would you want to apply for this position?  Golly, let me show you!

You will get to sit right beside me.  This is John's desk, from my point of view.  He is extremely neat.

This is my desk, for comparison.

You will have a great view!  Espcially if you like storms, this window is facing West.  For me, it's frightening.  For you, perhaps thrilling.  Either way, you can view all sorts of happenings 7 stories down on the streets of Columbus.

We also recycle.  This can is usually taken up mostly by my sticky notes. 


We have FREE COFFEE in our little kitchen down the hall.  And a microwave.  Perks galore!

 Do you know anyone who wants to be an AmeriCorps*VISTA for a year? The only job around where there is an asterisk in the job title. How cool is that?!

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