Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leather Bound (Note)book

This is like my 5th post in the past two days, so if you are an ardent reader of my blog, don't forget to scroll down and check out earlier entries!

I absolutley had to do a special post on the newest addition to my OASHF swag/professional toolkit.

I'm definitely moving up in the world, as "I have many one leather-bound books binder, and my apartment desk smells of looks like rich mahogany." #anchormanfans?


  1. i love that you're such a devoted reader. i promise to try to do better.

    also, can you do hashtags in blogger?? twitter is taking over the interwebs!

  2. Well, I choose to do hashtags in Blogger because Twitter-speak has taken over my communication style. Not quite the entire internets...yet :-)
