Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Training and Humorous Discoveries

Considering my mother now reads my blog is gets nervous when she sees the last post containing the words "I think I'm going to throw up," I'll quickly update everyone. All five of you.

My first training actually went well. There were two deaf women from Deaf Services, so it was a little awkward to have them facing away from me and watching the interpreter the entire time. I took sign language in college so I know some basics, but I can barely explain public benefits aloud in English let alone by signing. There rest of the group was comprised of women, pretty typical in the non-profit world I hate to say.

Zach sat in to observe and make sure I didn't steer the trainees completely off track. It was a great comfort to have him there and defer questions to. There are so many intricacies in public benefits. This is a position dealing directly with people, so there will always been differing circumstances and I will never have all the answers. (As hard as I try, I am a perfectionist)  I only had to defer to him a couple times, and he only had a few corrections and clarifications at the end.  Woohoo!

My lips were numb by lunch (seriously, how do people do this all day?), but all in all it was positive.  Gosh, it better have been positive considering this is my main job description!  I only have one more observation next week before I am officially certified.

In other news, I attended a presentation with Zach at a pregnancy care center here in Columbus.  While we were waiting, I found a brochure in their lobby entitled "10 Reason NOT to get pregnant."  Number seven on that list?

You could DIE.

I am not kidding you.  It had more explanation, I think linking contracting HIV/AIDS from having sex, but I was too distracted by their clever scare tactics to take note.

I'll leave it at that, as I'm sure this job will lead to plenty of other fantastic discoveries over the next year.  Like this!
(If you can't read it, the organization is trying to call itself HOPE, gaining the acronym from Helping Our young People connEct with God).  Yeah...

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