New Desk. New Co-worker. Santa Clause. Cake. Youth for Technology. My last couple weeks in a nutshell.

Most significantly my co-worker John's term was finished at the end of November, and he was replaced by my new co-worker. I am eagerly teaching her the ropes, considering I am doing double duty covering all John's responsibilities and training load until my new co-worker is ready to go. This huge transition was ushered in by an in-office desk move to the other end of the office. I now have a bigger desk with a back wall that doubles as a bulletin board (yay!!) and I get to sit right by the window. Also note the computer bag on my chair. This is a newfangled fancy chair, and I have yet to figure out how to raise it high enough to be functional. You win this time, fancy desk chair. Also note my lovely TOMS flag on display. I get to tell all my visitors about my favourite shoe brand and spread the social entrepreneurship love. Sustainable models of giving. Service in all aspects of life, that's how I see it. It's meaningless unless you live it out.

When I train people on my programs' online tool, I take them through simulations with fake clients. These training tools are used by thousands of people all over Ohio, and all the training is administered out of my office in Columbus. Therefore, how could we not commemorate the birthday of our favourite fictitious training client, Alice Nelson? We had cake!
As I said in my region's blog, please excuse the photo of a half eaten cake. There are lots of hungry VISTAs in my office who love cake and who were not moved to the opposite end of the office. That's another thing, my new desk is so much further away from the area where we put the free leftover meeting food. I am going to have to be on my game...
I also went with my co-workers to the Statehouse to see the arrival of Santa Clause. (I know him! I know him! < Elf reference. If you have not seen the movie Elf, you need to stop reading this and go watch it. Immediately.)
I maintain this would have been a traumatizing experience as a small child, but I was scared of everything as a kid. The children at the Statehouse I believe instead enjoyed the pretty flashing lights that delivered Santa. I got a cookie out of the deal so I was fairly satisfied.
My volunteer work with Youth for Technology Foundation is starting to picking up as well. Naturally, this is coinciding with my actual job becoming insanely busy. I do enjoy the chance to do something I am passionate about and specifically have a degree in. Right now I'm helping them put together a social media strategy outline, maintain and analyze their current efforts, and interview new volunteers.
My roommate also forwarded me a job posting that had "Social Media" in the job title, which reflects an encouraging job market that is hopefully growing and eager for new hires when I am out in June.
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