These trainings come in all shapes and sizes. Earlier this week I trained two gentlemen in Logan County at a library:

I didn't have enough room to capture the entire table, but there are 6 chairs in the "large study room." Just enough room for me to squeeze around to help.
I also had a training in Pickaway County, in Circleville. I always have trainees introduce themselves and explain what agency they are from. In this case they were all involved with the same agency, and they all described in one way or the other how the head of the organization had strong-armed (her words!) them into coming to this training. Hey, I don't care how they get there, as long as they are trained and can help people file their taxes for free. I did think it was funny though.
The next training was at a facility that will stay un-named, where I found this sitting on the desk:
Finally, my training in Springfield on Monday provided these lovelies for everyone:
If anyone is keeping count, I have conducted 10 trainings in the past 3 weeks, traveling a total of 490.8 miles to seven different counties in Central Ohio.
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