Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Media: Personal (Getting Things Done conference)

I need to start this post out by giving credit where credit is due. Just head to for a full picture of the talent and expertise he brings as a consultant on new media and organizational culture.

If you know anything about me other than my AmeriCorps service, you would know about my fanaticism with new media, and would probably imagine me promptly attending all Nate's sessions at the conference.  This included taking copious notes and blowing up my twitter feed with nuggets of knowledge (thanks for calling me out, @kt_2222).  Check out a couple of Nate's presentations here.

Here are a couple thoughts to summarize Nate's talk. If you want to learn more about my own experience with new media (not a focus here on my service blog so there isn't much content on this subject), contact me to grab  a cup of coffee and chat!

  • Develop relationships before you meet. Don't think social media is the end all be all of communication. It's a channel, or a path to develop in-person relationships. If you use social media to meet people before you face to face meet them, you can skip the pleasantries and head straight to picking up a conversation that you started online.
  • "Become a typist" I interpreted this as "get writing skills". When I was applying for jobs last Spring I did a few informational interviews. I always asked the professionals in my field (media/communications) what skills they would look for in hiring candidates. There was one answer across the board: writing. Whether it's 140 characters on Twitter or an op-ed for a local paper, writing skills are a top requirement.
  • Get out there. If I was only trying to hone my new media expertise through my job, I wouldn't be getting very far. There are some instances when I can integrate my interests and experience into my position, but my job doesn't revolve around new media. That's why I identified with Nate's urging to get out there and diversify. I do little things like keep up personal new media sites, reading blogs and interacting with other professionals, and I do big things like volunteering as a Communications Lead for an international nonprofit.
  • There is no try, do or do not. (Nate's twitter bio says he's a jedi master) You want to learn how to use new media? Use new media.

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