Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Break

I've been alerted that my blog url was included in all the Christmas letters my Mom sends out, so Hello to all our family members and friends who actually made your way to my blog!  As a reminder, this blog is personal and in no way representing or speaking on behalf of my organizations.  With that said, check out the organization I work for (OASHF) and the specific program I help administer, doing outreach and trainings: (OBB)

My office is closing down between Christmas and New Years, but as a VISTA I still have hours that I have to work.  Therefore, I get the thrilling task of going through the IRS tax training called Link and Learn.  I am learning way more about taxes than I ever thought I would, but I do find it weirdly satisfying to know a lot about something that I hate, but is still worthwhile in my life.  I will conquer taxes!

Lastly, I am heading to Chicago for New Years Eve with my wonderful group of friends from college.  We went to Florida together for Spring Break and to Michigan this August, so I am beyond excited to spend NYE in Chicago with them all again. 

Happy Holidays to everyone!

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