Thursday, January 27, 2011

IRS Communications

And you thought the IRS was inaccessible and scary.  Well, perhaps that's just me.  Now that I am getting multiple emails from them every day, I am conquering the intimidation of a previously confusing process (filing taxes) and agency with KNOWLEDGE.  In this case at least, knowledge really does equal power.  Or at least confidence.  

This is an example of an email I got from the IRS today, check out what they are doing in the realm of media and mobile devices!  I know you will all be scrambling to follow them on Twitter, as I can testify that the entirety of their communication are just as enthralling.

I'm also encouraged that they developed an Android app as well (which I promptly downloaded).  iPhones are not the "end all be all" of smart phones, and I breathe a sigh of Apple-monopoly relief when companies simultaneously develop for both platforms.

IRS Launches the IRS2Go App for iPhone, Android; Taxpayers Can Check Refunds, Get Tax Information
Video: IRS2Go: English
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today unveiled IRS2Go, its first smartphone application that lets taxpayers check on their status of their tax refund and obtain helpful tax information.

"This new smart phone app reflects our commitment to modernizing the agency and engaging taxpayers where they want when they want it," said IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman. "As technology evolves and younger taxpayers get their information in new ways, we will keep innovating to make it easy for all taxpayers to access helpful information." 

The IRS2Go phone app gives people a convenient way of checking on their federal refund. It also gives people a quick way of obtaining easy-to-understand tax tips. 

Apple users can download the free IRS2Go application by visiting the Apple App Store. Android users can visit the Android Marketplace to download the free IRS2Go app. 

"This phone app is a first step for us," Shulman said. "We will look for additional ways to expand and refine our use of smartphones and other new technologies to help meet the needs of taxpayers." 

The mobile app, among a handful in the federal government, offers a number of safe and secure ways to help taxpayers. Features of the first release of the IRS2Go app include:
  1. Get Your Refund Status - Taxpayers can check the status of their federal refund through the new phone app with a few basic pieces of information. First, taxpayers enter a Social Security number, which is masked and encrypted for security purposes. Next, taxpayers pick the filing status they used on their tax return. Finally, taxpayers enter the amount of the refund they expect from their 2010 tax return. For people who e-file, the refund function of the phone app will work within about 72 hours after taxpayers receive an e-mail acknowledgement saying the IRS received their tax return. For people filing paper tax returns, longer processing times mean they will need to wait three to four weeks before they can check their refund status. About 70 percent of the 142 million individual tax returns were filed electronically last year.
  2. Get Tax Updates - Phone app users enter their e-mail address to automatically get daily tax tips. Tax Tips are simple, straightforward tips and reminders to help with tax planning and preparation. Tax Tips are issued daily during the tax filing season and periodically during the rest of the year. The plain English updates cover topics such as free tax help, child tax credits, the Earned Income Tax Credit, education credits and other topics.
  3. Follow the IRS - Taxpayers can sign up to follow the IRS Twitter news feed, @IRSnews. IRSnews provides the latest federal tax news and information for taxpayers. The IRSnews tweets provide easy-to-use information, including tax law changes and important IRS programs.  IRS2Go is the latest IRS effort to provide information to taxpayers beyond traditional channels. The IRS also uses tools such as YouTube and Twitter to share the latest information on tax changes, initiatives, products and services through social media channels. For more information on IRS2Go and other new media products, visit
Related Item: IRS Goes Mobile With IRS2Go

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcomed at Molina

Check this out!  I did a presentation to case workers at Molina so when their Medicaid clients call in with social needs other than medical assistance, they can direct them to a Benefit Bank site.  When I walked into their office, they had this lovely welcoming sign.  I feel so official!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What it's about

Looking at my first pay direct deposited paycheck of the new year brought a little surprise for my bank account.  Instead of a Christmas bonus, my stipend was cut 15 dollars.  Not much to many people, but it adds up by the time my service ends.  And this means that I now only have 35% of my paycheck left after all my bills.  It stinks, and it stinks that it happened without any warning.  But if I’ve learned anything so far in my 23 years of life, I’ve learned that bitterness imprisons life; love releases it.  Perhaps Mr. Harry Emerson Fosdick said that last poetic bit before I did, but I concur. 

My life is not about making money.  My life isn’t even about living for myself.  It’s about serving a God with a plan bigger than I can fathom and accepting the blessings I’ve been given, since I can fully acknowledge I’ve been given way more than I could do anything to deserve.

So what do I have? 

An AmeriCorps placement at a supportive and groundbreaking organization
A compassionate supervisor who I know always has my back and has been a great joy to work with
A car
A warm apartment and a trustworthy roomie friend
A past that has offered me lots of birthday and Christmas presents that included fleece blankets
Hot chocolate
A daily hot shower.  Two, if I want.
(can you tell it’s cold outside?)
An immediate and extended family that has proven time and again that we are in it together for the long haul, and shown amazing feats of forgiveness and love towards each other.
A boyfriend who has loved and supported me for over 6 years, from hours away
Oreos.  6 of which are in my stomach.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition whilst I write my blog.  I may make Mom cry twice in one night after all this sappiness. 

Gratitude is the only proven way I’ve found to surmount those unexpected setbacks in life.  Things that, if you chose, could make you bitter and angry.   I implore you to turn to your gratitude list in a time of doubt, and I implore you also to start it now.

Update:  After numerous emails this pay adjustment was clarified as a tax issue, specifically dealing with the Making Work Pay credit.  Essentially this credit was applied throughout the year, allowing more money to come in my paycheck and less "estimated tax" withheld through the year to the federal gov't.  With the change I can no longer keep that money and it has to be taken out of my paycheck throughout the year, as normal wages typically work.  Perhaps I will be poor again next year, not owe tax, and get it back anyways!